Beginners Clarinet Notes | Normans Blog

New to the Clarinet

Be patient, the Clarinet can take time to master, don't give up, it will be fun and eventually rewarding to play an instrument with one of the widest pitch ranges. Once you have mastered the Clarinet assembly, key alignment and placement of the Clarinet reed you will be ready to make your first Clarinet sounds. It can be difficult for a beginner to produce a clarinet sound, to ensure the best chance... Follow these steps: Make sure the reed is damp enough; this will ensure good vibration with air flow. Check the tip of the reed is flush with the tip of the mouthpiece. Be sure to cover holes completely with your finger tips. Mouth positioning Curl the lower lip over the lower teeth slightly and place the mouthpiece reed side down on the bottom lip and firmly place the top teeth on the mouthpiece. Point your tongue at the mouthpiece but not touching it, make sure the corners of lips are sealed and without puffing your cheeks, blow. If your first sounds are a little on the squeaky side, Keep trying! Keep going through these steps until everything comes together and feels more natural. Enjoy your eureka moment. Find a selection of notes to practice on the chart below with a helpful fingering guide. Click on the image to enlarge. BeginnersClarinetNotes