Mozart playing piano
Invented in the Early 1800s, the Piano is a very popular instrument to learn. Here are 10 things you should know when you have just started learning to play the piano.

You can’t suddenly play like Mozart

As much as you’ve dreamed about performing Für Elise, you cannot do it overnight. It takes a lot of time and dedication to learn a piece. As a newcomer, it is best to familiarise yourself with “Five finger tunes” (pieces you can play that only consist of 5 notes in each hand.) cartoon Mozart playing

It’s okay to make mistakes!

You will make mistakes when learning to play the piano. Whether it’s a wrong note, an incorrect rhythm or a note played too early, practice can correct these errors. The more mistakes you come across, the more you’ll get used to going over and fixing them. Also, the more you practice a piece the less mistakes you will make. Practice does really make perfect! music falling from the stave

Varied practice is vital

Practicing for hours won’t make you a virtuoso, it will just tire you out. The best musicians practice for either 10-15 minutes daily, or 30 minutes a few times a week. It is important to alter your practicing. An example of this is to start with scales to warm up your fingers, move on to your main piece, then finish with a familiar one.

not that scale

Your sheet music may get lost

Whether you print your music off the internet, or are given it by a music teacher, sheet music is significant. Once you begin to play, you somehow begin to acquire a collection! To prevent sheet music from getting dirty or lost you should buy a music carrier. This will make sure that your written music will stay safe and tidy.

man using a music carreir

You may casually play on your desk - without realising!

Occasionally, you may begin to subconsciously practice without a piano! You tend to do this when you are day-dreaming, not realising at all, then someone asks if you’re alright… At least you’re practicing finger movements! playing the desk like a piano

People will ask you to play anything and everything

“Do you know this? I’m sure you can play that” Get used to hearing this because every family member, friend colleague or even stranger will say this to you once they discover you are learning to play the piano. Even if you’ve only been playing for a few days, people will assume that you can play anything and everything, from the latest song on the charts to a song from The Beatles.

But you can play the chords!

Many chords on the piano only consist of three notes, and most songs consist of only 4 different chords. This means that you can play the chords to almost every song – regardless of its genre. Soon you’ll be able to play a variety, from Abba to Sam Smith! piano chord chart

You develop self-discipline

Nevertheless, playing the piano is hard: you must read the sheet music, count the beat and watch out for dynamics all while getting both hands to play the correct notes. It takes a lot of practice to perform a piece and you may get fed up of going over the same phrase… Don’t give up! The best pianists develop self-discipline, they acknowledge where they have gone wrong and they strive to overcome it. The more experienced you are the greater your willpower is. Keep working to achieve this and you will show determination. do it

It’s very rewarding to learn a piece

Once you can play a piece fluently, you feel a great sense of accomplishment. All the practices and music lessons have finally been worth it. That is the primary reason to start learning to play the piano - the successful feeling in your stomach, making you smile from ear to ear. You will never forget the joy from performing your first piece, or your first concert, or even your first music exam! trophy Overall, when you are learning to play the piano it may seem difficult, but many hours of practice and dedication will inevitably pay off, and you will feel elated at the results. Feeling inspired? Playing the piano is one of the most fulfilling instruments, and at Normans we have a range of different brands, prices and sizes to suit you. Browse our piano and keyboard range here.